Sorry I'm not engaging with it these days, but that's life. In any case, thanks for the comments and other feedback over the years. So I can more easily poke at it occasionally to keep it up-to-date. That's a more focussed set of tools/docs that doesn't try to cover Every Quake Thing it's just about getting a good modern singleplayer setup going as fast as possible. I had some guides errata posted on the forum a while back, which might be interesting, although that's getting stale now too.Ī more up-to-date thing that might be useful/helpful for some of you is the Quake Singleplayer Starter Pack. Modern 'Quake engines' like Quakespasm, Mark V, FTE, and ezQuake are still being developed though, and so the features and behaviors of the newest versions of these engines may be somewhat different than what these guides describe now. Since Quake is a classic game, a lot of the stuff in these guides doesn't need to change. Not a lot of game time, and what I do have goes into things other than guide-writing these days. Family stuff, etc., you know how it goes. I haven't maintained these guides in a while. I'm putting this generic update on all my Quake guides here on Steam, just as an FYI: